La fête de lancement s'est déroulé au café L'Instant goû'Thé à La Châtre.
The release party took place at the café L'Instant goû'Thé in the town of La Châtre.
Le gâteau en forme du drapeau suédois
The cake in the shape of the Swedish flag
The cake in the shape of the Swedish flag
L'auteur et moi (elle est également ma femme !)
The author and myself (she is also my wife!)
The author and myself (she is also my wife!)
Des acheteurs du livre - contents les deux !
Two buyers of the book - pleased both of them!
Two buyers of the book - pleased both of them!
"C'est drôle tout ça !"
"This is fun!"
"This is fun!"
Quelques acheteurs et gourmandes et gourmands,
le journaliste Denis Bonnet inclus (à droite)
Some buyers and gourmandes and gourmands,
the journalist Denis Bonnet included (to the right)
le journaliste Denis Bonnet inclus (à droite)
Some buyers and gourmandes and gourmands,
the journalist Denis Bonnet included (to the right)
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