tisdag, augusti 30, 2011

Théophile Gautier 200 years


L’année 2011 marque le bicentenaire de la naissance de Théophile Gautier.
A cette occasion, une association a été créée, à l’initiative de la Société Théophile Gautier et avec le partenariat des universités de Paris 3, Paris 4 et Montpellier.

Des personnalités du monde artistique, littéraire et muséal, ainsi que des descendants de Théophile Gautier, en font partie. M. Hugues R. Gall, Membre de l’Institut, en est le président d’honneur, Mme Anik Lesure, descendante de Gautier, en est la présidente.

L’association du Bicentenaire de Théophile Gautier 1811-2011 a pour action de susciter et coordonner les initiatives que les universités, les musées et autres institutions organisent en 2011.

The year 2011 marks the bicentenary of the birth of Théophile Gautier.
For this occasion an organisation has been created, on the iniative of 'la Société Théophile Gautier' and with the participation of the universities (Sorbonne Nouvelle) Paris 3, Paris 4 and Montpellier.

Personalities within the artistic-, litterary-, and museum world as well as descendants of Théophile Gautier, participates. Mr Hugues R. Gall, member of the Institute is the honorary president, Mrs Anik Lesure, a descendant of Gautier, is the president.
For those of you not familiar with the works of Théophile Gautier (poet playwright, novelist, journalist, art critic and literary critic), this might be the occasion to get to know him more profoundly, not least as he was a very intresting author, difficult to classify and also a man with an interesting curriculum vitae in general. He was born the 30th of August 1811 and died the 23rd of October 1872.

Le conseil général présente "Théophile Gautier dans son cadre" au domaine de Sceaux - kewego
Jusqu'au 9 janvier 2012, les écuries du domaine de Sceaux accueillent "Théophile Gautier dans son cadre". Patrick Devedjian, le président du

(Image of Gautier as a young man copied from: http://poetes.com/gautier/images/gautier.jpg)
(Photo Gautier as a middle aged man copied from: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjyYS4aokaiB-L10Ojlrfmfg4jboyITvhbqT3nos948HN54rizriykmqnUbl6AzG_ae9bEr8xl4b9tHBrcnSEejkvhkqO1HfiR4Y6y2E-U08hTdxB5Jyt7z1df6NhpMipA8TvS-jQ/s1600/Theophile_Gautier.jpg)
(Photo Gautier as an elderly man copied from: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d6/Th%C3%A9ophil_Gautier_1856_Nadar.jpg/250px-Th%C3%A9ophil_Gautier_1856_Nadar.jpg)

tisdag, augusti 16, 2011

The Norwegian International Film Festival, Haugesund

Between the 17th and 24th of August we are visiting the Norwegian town Haugesund for the above film festival. Aurore visited this festival in 2000, during which she saw 63 films in 10 days.
We'll see how many films we will be able to see this time. Aurore probably more than me as she has got a press ackreditation, giving her a chance to see films before they are released publically - on the condition that she does not write about them on her blog dedicated to Scandinavian film.

As being one of the - maximum - 5 most knowledgable about Scandinavian film in her generation, her blog - www.cineaster.net - is one of the best if you want to learn something about this subject. It's written in French but even if you don't understand the language, there are many trailers to look at and I think you will be able to appreciate and learn a lot about Scandinavian film anyways.
She writes about both older and recent films in order to explore and explain the development within the film making in "the North".

You will be able to follow her during her time in Haugesund and if the technology works, she will be broadcasting direct from the Amanda Awards the 20th, Saturday.


Oslo 31. August


Sons of Norway

(The poster copied from: https://en.unifrance.org/festivals-and-markets/869/haugesund-international-film-festival/2011)

(Photo from the film 'Eldfjall'/'Volcaono' copied from: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEivAg1nRQAEbLYThnl_2U5ekfGjBd-aD3QextI_MLzlpbvPUM76ArMpLjdUdFb3Su3ZFSdLFR4MSn_ZWE0bxD1aT1RkXzsQdgotB2yuoEIe6KA_GrV1t8p8_XNL0kAQJYSu8ci3/s1600/Screen+shot+2011-08-09+at+10.52.36.png)
(Photo 2 from 'Eldfjall'/'Volcano' copied from: http://www.cineaster.net/wp-content/uploads/eldfjall_2.jpg)
(Photo 'Hodejegerne'/'Headhunters' copied from: http://oslopuls.aftenposten.no/multimedia/archive/00083/_hodejegerne_jpg_83936d.jpg)(Photo from the film 'Oslo 31. August' copied from: http://images.screenrush.co.uk/r_760_x/medias/nmedia/18/84/09/80/19725959.jpg)
(Poster with Pushwagner copied from: http://www.cineaster.net/wp-content/uploads/Pushwagner1.jpg)
(Photo from the film 'Sons of Norway' copied from: http://images1.variety.com/graphics/photos/WebImages/newsnor101.jpg)